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Ocean County Amateur Radio Emergency Service Inc. a 501 (c)(3) Charity Organization

Services of Ocean County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (Meetings, Donations)


Meetings are held six times a year (Every Other Month) on the third Wednesday of a month. There is no ARES training net on the night of the meeting. Meetings are at the Miller Airpark County EOC, Berkeley Township, at 7:00 to 9:00 pm. All are invited. The meeting schedule for 2023 is as follows:

February 19, 2025 - Communications Training
April 16, 2025 - Communications Training
June 18, 2025 - Communications Training
August 20, 2025 - Communications Training
October 15, 2025 - SET Review
December 17, 2025 - Meeting/Holiday Party - All are welcome

VE Sessions are held six times a year (Every Other Month) on the third Tuesday of a month. Test sessions are at the Miller Airpark County EOC, Berkeley Township, at 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Testing by appointment only. Contact VE team via email, VE at The testing schedule for 2023 is as follows:

January 21, 2025 - VE Session
March 18, 2025 - VE Session
May 20, 2025 - VE Session
July 15, 2025 - VE Session
September 16, 2025 - VE Session
November 18, 2025 - VE Session


Donations support the organization and provides for liability insurance, training materials, non-profit operating expenses (Yes, the state of New Jersey and the Federal Government get their share just to let us exist), badly needed ham radio equipment which can be deployed to equip up to four shelters, and operating expenses to allow us to store and maintain equipment and supplies. Unlike the Red Cross and United Way, no funds support organization officers. They all work for free. Donations are tax deductible since we are classified as a 501 (c)(3) charity. You may donate by sending a check made out to OCEAN COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE to the EC/President at the address listed at the top of this page or you may donate through the popular PayPal system by clicking on the DONATE button below: